As we enter our fourth year of operating Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, an NTTAP funded by HRSA’s Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), we are proud to share some of our recent successes. These would not have been possible without the engagement of our constituents and partners.
In the last year –
We hosted:
7 Learning Collaboratives, each with 4-6 sessions that explored in-depth topics, peer exchange and presentations from experts in the field
8 Webinars on a range of topics such as adolescent health, HIV/AIDS, traumatic brain injury, maternal health and many more. Click here to watch archived webinars.
We collaborated with our other NTTAP Partners:
And collaborated with other organizational partners:
And partner with an evaluation team at the University of Pittsburgh as well as a cadre of experts including survivors with lived experience on the topics.
We Developed New Tools and Resources for health center staff:
A safety card tool for farmworkers and for those who work with them
A memo to help increase health care enrollment for survivors of domestic violence
We presented workshops and plenaries at the following conferences:
NACHC’s 2023 Conference for Agricultural Worker Health
OCHIN: Illuminate What’s Possible, Learning Forum 2023
Louisiana Primary Care Association’s 39th Annual CE Conference
2022 National Network for Oral Health Access Annual Conference
View slides from the conferences here.
We’re excited to embark on our 4th year as a BPHC-funded NTTAP that works with health centers on the topics of IPV/Human Trafficking and Exploitation. We’ll continue our partnerships with health centers, community-based organizations, and other NTTAPs and organizations working across the HRSA Health Center Program to promote health and safety outcomes for survivors!
Visit our website to watch recordings of our webinars and to identify new learning collaboratives, upcoming webinars, new resources, and more!
About the Authors:
Lisa James, MA is the Director of Health at Futures Without Violence
Anna Marjavi is the Director of Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
Megha Rimal, MSW is theProgram Specialist at Futures Without Violence
Camila Sanchez Tejada is the Program Assistant for Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
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