Addressing Partner Inflicted Brain Injuries With a Health Equity Lens

Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Time: 10am PT / 11am MT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET
Duration: 90 minutes

Spanish interpretation will be provided.

Description: Research shows up to 92% of IPV survivors who experienced physical or sexual violence report head, neck, and facial injuries, which can result in brain injury (Valera, 2022). Brain injuries as a result of domestic violence have long lasting impacts on a survivor’s health, wellbeing, safety, and even economic security. It is crucial that community health center staff understand barriers survivors living with brain injuries experience and work to adopt promising practices to better meet their needs. This webinar will bring together leading researchers and practitioners in the field to address Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) impacting individuals living with partner inflicted brain injuries (PIBI). It will provide participants with tools to advance health equity for individuals with PIBI.

Learning Objectives: As a result of this webinar participants will be able to:

  • Understanding PIBI with an intersectional approach and how it impacts survivors overall health and wellbeing

  • Using a health equity lens to identify services and resources providers can use to make their care more accessible to all survivors living with brain injury

  • Learn about screening, identification, assessment, and education tools that can be used with survivors and staff in domestic violence organizations and community health centers


  • Rachel Ramirez, LISW-S, Founder and Director, The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury, Ohio Domestic Violence Network

  • Tamar Rodney PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, CNE Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

  • Michelle Patch, PhD, MSN, APRN-CNS, ACNS-BC, AFN-C, FAAN Assistant Professor Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

  • Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD, Chief of Adolescent Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, UPMC, Consultant, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation

  • Megha Rimal, MSW, Program Specialist, Health Partners on IPV+Exploitation

  • Kate Vander Tuig, MPH, Program Manager, Health Partners on IPV+Exploitation


Questions? Please email Megha Rimal

Type: Webinar