Strengthening Emergency Preparedness: Supporting Survivors of IPV, Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Learning Collaborative – 4 virtual sessions)
Jan- Feb 2025
4-session learning collaborative
Description: Achieving health equity for survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) and human trafficking/exploitation (HT/E) begins with opportunities both at the community health center (CHC) and through their community-based partnerships. The goal is to decrease barriers to care by increasing health enrollment and safety support. IPV and HT/E commonly occur in communities, and affect patients and staff, served by and working at CHCs. CHCs can focus on systems change to disrupt the cycle of violence, including by developing partnerships, creating clinical workflows that utilize an evidence-based “CUES” intervention (Confidentiality, Universal Education and Empowerment, and Support), and optimizing health IT tools and UDS data collection measures. This 4-session learning collaborative will review these system changes and best practices to advance health equity for survivors of IPV/HT/E.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of this Learning Collaborative, participants will be better able to:
Identify barriers to achieving health equity for survivors of IPV/HT/E, in terms of health disparities/impacts and barriers to accessing systems of care and protection.
Name key collaborators within the community who may be organizational partners to support patients who are vulnerable to, or affected by IPV/HT/E, and utilize tools to develop effective partnerships.
List three tools that can be used within clinical operations, and to develop clinical workflows, which will support patients and staff who may have had experiences of IPV/HT/E for themselves or their family/community.
Learning Collaborative Session Dates/Times:
Between October and November 2022, attendees will participate in four 60-minute learning sessions. All the sessions will be held at 8am HST/ 11am PST / 12pm MST/ 1pm CST/ 2pm EST.
The learning collaborative curriculum includes the following topics:
Session 1: Introduction to health equity and IPV/HT/E, and health impact, Thursday, October 27, 2022
Session 2: How to partner with Domestic Violence Programs and other community-based organizations with expertise in IPV/HT/E, Thursday, November 3, 2022
Session 3: Introduction of CUES intervention, clinical protocol, and QA/QI tools, for use within the Health Centers to support patients with IPV/HT/E, Thursday, November 10, 2022
Session 4: Health IT and workplace support for employees, Friday, November 18, 2022
Learning Collaborative Faculty and Presenters:
Anna Marjavi, (She/Hers), Director, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
Kimberly S.G. Chang, MD, MPH, (She/Hers), Family Physician, Director of Human Trafficking and Healthcare Policy, Asian Health Services
Megha Rimal, MSW (She/Hers), Program Specialist, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
Deadline: Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 at midnight of your local time zone
Note: If you need any accommodations to best support your participation, let us know on the registration page by October 5th. We will do our best to accommodate requests made after October 5th.
For any questions, contact Megha Rimal,
Applications are now closed.
If you would like to see a PDF version of the application survey, please click here. Applications are due September 14.
Jan- Feb 2025
4-session learning collaborative
May-June 2024
4-session learning collaborative
January-February 2024
4-session learning collaborative
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