As we enter our third year of running Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, an NTTAP funded by HRSA’s Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), that works with health centers on the topics of IPV/Human Trafficking and Exploitation, we are proud to share some of the successes of our second year.
In the last year –
We Hosted:
6 Learning Collaboratives, each with 4-6 sessions exploring in-depth topics, peer exchange and presentations from experts in the field
7 Webinars on a range of topics
A podcast episode, Ryan White Funding Opportunities for Community Health Centers
A Learning Lab at the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium. Check out the slides from the conference here.
6 Articles and a blogpost with School-Based Health Alliance
We Collaborated With Organizational Partners:
Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Farmworker Justice, HITEQ, Migrant Clinicians Network, National Center for Medical Legal Partnerships, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, National School Based Health Alliance, NACHC, and the National Network for Oral Health Access
An evaluation team at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
And a cadre of experts working in the field.
We explored how our CUES Intervention may be tailored for:
Adolescent Health, Farmworker Health, Oral Health and HIV/AIDS programs
And developed new resources for Health Information Technology, Medical- Legal Partnerships and A Farmworker Safety Card Tool
Please visit our website to watch recordings of our webinars and to identify new learning collaboratives, upcoming webinars, new resources and more! We’re excited to continue our partnerships with health centers, community based organizations, and other NTTAPs and organizations working across the HRSA Health Center Program into our third year and to promote health and safety outcomes for survivors!
About the Authors:
Lisa James, MA is the Director of Health at Futures Without Violence
Anna Marjavi is the Director of Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
Megha Rimal, MSW is a Program Specialist at Futures Without Violence
Camila Sanchez Tejada is the Program Assistant for Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation
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