Elizabeth Miller is the director of the division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine and maintains an active research program focused on reducing gender-based violence to improve adolescent health with funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), centers for disease control and prevention, health resources and services administration, and foundations. examples of recently completed research include a cluster-randomized, controlled trial of a gender-based violence-prevention program, funded by the CDC, which involved training coaches to encourage their middle-school male athletes to recognize and stop disrespectful and harmful behaviors toward girls. another CDC-funded study involved evaluating a gender transformative program (addressing healthy masculinity and sexuality) among African American males ages 13–19 in 20 neighborhoods in Pittsburgh. another cluster randomized; controlled trial tested a brief sexual assault intervention (NIAAA r01) at student health centers on 28 college campuses. miller also serves as research consultant to futures without violence, a national nonprofit organization providing resources to health care providers in their efforts to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault. project catalyst, a national training project funded by HRSA, involves work with states and territories on the integration of partner violence prevention and intervention into community health centers. miller has served as the evaluator for this project as well as a similar project located in community health centers in California, funded by the blue shield of California foundation. in addition, miller is the co-lead (with Felicia Savage Friedman) of the Pittsburgh study (TPS), a county-wide child and adolescent health and thriving initiative with 450+ community members and partners. TPS expanded its efforts during the pandemic with a weekly family strengths survey that aided in monitoring the status of children and families during this difficult time. data from the surveys was shared with local agencies and nonprofits and helped to coordinate efforts with distribution of resources to areas needed most.