2023 NWRPCA/CHAMPS Fall Primary Care Conference

Date: October 21 - 24, 2023

Type: Seattle, WA, US

What is the Fall Primary Care Conference?

For over two and a half decades, CHAMPS and NWRPCA have partnered to offer the health centers of Region VIII (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY) and Region X (AK, ID, OR, and WA) great speakers, excellent educational sessions, numerous networking opportunities, exhibits by industry experts, and more designed to meet the needs of Region 18 (Regions VIII and X) Community Health Center staff and boards.

The conference offers attendees a broad range of over 50 educational and networking sessions organized around the following tracks:

  • Clinical & Care Innovations
  • Fiscal Optimization
  • Governance Essentials
  • Healthy Communities
  • Hot Topics
  • HR/Workforce
  • Leadership
  • Operational Excellence
  • Policy

Join FUTURES staff to present the following session on Monday, October 23rd:

Intimate Partner Violence & Human Trafficking: Clinical Skills, EHRs, & Community Partnerships for Patient Care

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) affects one in two women; two in five men; for people of trans experience, rates increase to one in three. Harms include abuse, reproductive coercion, sexually transmitted diseases, traumatic brain injuries and strangulation, substance use, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Human trafficking (HT), or Exploitation more broadly, has impacts mirroring IPV. In this talk, we discuss ways to support health and safety outcomes for survivors of violence who access health centers and domestic violence programs (DVPs), including highlighting a statewide transformation project led by Primary Care Association staff and other state partners that engaged more than 1,000 professionals across ten states and four Pacific Islands. Further, we will discuss the landscape of supportive community programs and tools to formalize partnerships and coordinate care between health centers and DVPs. HRSA began collecting IPV and HT diagnosis and services UDS data in 2020. Health centers have challenges capturing this IPV and HT data. This session will discuss ways your health center can systematically facilitate outreach, prevention, universal education, care for patients, and connections to resources while safely documenting IPV and HT within EHR for UDS reporting.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand collaboration efforts between state Primary Care Associations, state domestic violence coalitions, and state departments of public health to address intimate partner violence and human trafficking
  2. Describe how health centers can integrate community partnership tools into clinical practice to address intimate partner violence and human trafficking
  3. Utilize the CUES (Confidentiality, Universal Education and Empowerment, Support) framework and safety card tools to initiate conversations with patients about intimate partner violence and human trafficking


  • Kimberly Chang, Asian Health Services, Family Physician, Director of Human Trafficking and Healthcare Policy
  • Anna Marjavi, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, Futures Without Violence, Director
  • Lisa James, Futures Without Violence, Vice President of Health

Learn more about the conference here.