Community Health Institute (CHI) & Expo Conference

Date: August 27-29 2023

Type: In-person Presentation

The NACHC Com­mu­nity Health Insti­tute (CHI) and EXPO is the largest annual gath­er­ing of health cen­ter clin­i­cians, exec­u­tives, con­sumer board mem­bers, along with State/Regional Pri­mary Care Asso­ci­a­tions and Health Cen­ter Con­trolled Net­works. The con­fer­ence (August 27-29) takes place in San Diego, CA, at a time when health cen­ters are charting a new course in a rapidly changing health environment and being called upon to assume a larger role in the nation’s health care system.

Join Health Partnes staff to present the following session on Monday, August, 28th at 3:15-4:30 pm:

Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking: Building Community Partnerships, Safely Optimizing UDS data collection with a new EHR Smartform

This session will discuss ways your HC can systematically facilitate outreach, prevention, universal education, care for patients, and connections to resources and services while safely documenting IPV and HT within EHR for UDS reporting. One example of an EHR tool (EPIC OCHIN) and the principles behind its development will be discussed.

Learning objectives:

  1. Learn how to use the CUES (Confidentiality, Universal Education and Empowerment, Support) framework and safety card tools to help providers initiate conversation with patients about IPV and HT.
  2. Discuss HC protocols and community partnership tools and approaches (DV Programs and Medical-Legal Partnerships) for integrating IPV and HT issues into care.
  3. Discuss the privacy, safety, and confidentiality principles behind developing an EHR SmartForm that can facilitate the collection of UDS data on IPV and HT.

Learn more about the conference here.

Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA