Date: December 14, 2020
Description: This webinar will feature the critical role of domestic violence advocacy programs in supporting patients on intimate partner violence/human trafficking (IPV/HT) and how to build meaningful collaborations including initiating Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and bidirectional warm referrals. FUTURES will help community health centers (CHCs) establish this partnership by detailing mutual partnership benefits; sharing an MOU template; and offering other tools featured on www.ipvhealthpartners.org, including guidance and agenda topics for their first meeting. Additionally, the MOU template (tool) and guidance will reflect procedural changes related to COVID-19. For example, rather than meeting in person at the start of the partnership, virtual engagement will also be suggested, as well as expanding on other collaborative strategies given social distancing.
- Anisa Ali, MA, Senior Program Specialist, Futures Without Violence
- Abby Larson, MSW Intern, Futures Without Violence
- Rebecca Levenson, MA, Health Policy Consultant, Futures Without Violence
- Anna Marjavi, Program Director, Futures Without Violence
- Kiricka Yarbough-Smith, Human Trafficking Consultant, Futures Without Violence
Please email: healthpartners@futureswithoutviolence.org