This Quality Assessment/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) tool is intended to provide community health centers with guiding questions to assess quality of care related to promotion of healthy relationships and intervention related to intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT), and exploitation (E) within their health care delivery. The information is to be used as a benchmark for each health center to engage in ongoing quality improvement efforts.
It may be helpful to complete this tool every six months to track policy changes and implementation status of the recommended IPV/HT/E protocol. Please review our Health Center IPV/HT/E Protocol: to help support next steps around systems change, key resources are identified at the end of the tool. (17 pages in English)
The tool explores the following topics:
Policies and protocols
Privacy/confidentiality + EHR
Universal Education
Intervention Strategies
Formal Partnerships with Community Agencies
Networking and Support
Provider + Staff Training
Staff Support + Safety
Data + Evaluation
Environment + Resources
Adolescent Considerations
Caregiver Considerations
Involving Child Protective Services
Scoring Guide
Key Resources