Health Centers Care About Domestic Violence

AUTHORS: Yuriko de la Cruz (NACHC) and Anna Marjavi (Director, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, Futures Without Violence) October 2, 2023 “Never assume that domestic violence is not affecting someone in your workplace. Victims of domestic violence often suffer in secret, in part because they have been conditioned to believe they deserve the abuse, and […]

Update Your Information to Avoid a Gap in Medicaid Coverage Post COVID ​

March 17, 2023 In 2020, federal pandemic legislation required states to ensure “continuous coverage” for most people enrolled in Medicaid during the Public Health Emergency (PHE). In exchange, states received enhanced Medicaid funding. This meant that millions of people were able to keep their health insurance during the pandemic. Congress’ year-end spending bill ends this […]

Health, Healing, and Healthy Relationships: A New Safety Card Resource for farmworkers

From Alianza Nacional de Campesinas and Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation March 27, 2023 On any given morning, Irma Durand drives the roads and fields in Homestead, Florida. They are roads she knows well, having lived in Homestead since 2014. She shares information and resources about COVID-19 with farmworkers and their families. She brings […]

Announcing our New Name and Website: Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation!

September 22, 2021 By: Anisa Ali, MA; Anna Marjavi; Lisa James, MA; and Graciela Olguín Connection. Collaboration. Community. Partnerships. These are values that we hold closely to advance care and support for those at risk of or surviving intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT), and exploitation, and to bolster prevention efforts. Because we want […]